Welcome to the country!

Why are we starting a new website for dancing? Don’t all saloons have their own marketing? The answer is no.

The world of country western line dancing in the Midwest is lacking a central location to organize and coordinate. Much of the fun of line dancing is to fill the dance floor with people all doing the same dance or feeling that they can join one of the many dances taking place on the floor. Instructors are in contact with each other and there is some coordinating of dances and that is great, but more can be done.

Dances are like words and the library of dances that a region pulls from is like a language. Each region will have their own dialect. So, what is a baseline from which all dancers in the Midwest can start? What has developed as a conversational language of the regional dances?

The lexicon that makes up this language is extremely large. A look at Copperknob or Line Dancer will give you an idea of how large this dictionary is! Nobody can learn them all!

What does a person need to know to be conversational in the language of country western dancing?

This blog aims to find a foundation for that language. A foundation that others can stand on as they start to experience line dancing.